Tuesday 13 December 2011

Why Microsoft suddenly wants its software on the iPad

First, Microsoft realizes that it doesn't dominate computing anymore--especially the mobile world. That reality is running into another key fact: Microsoft applications are everywhere.
In other words, Microsoft's plans to launch iPad versions of OneNote, Lync and SkyDrive, which isn't optimized for Apple's tablet, is just smart business. Simply put, the killer app on a single platform days are over.

Going forward, Microsoft should go crazy on Android, too. It should be on every platform that has a lot of users. There are no guarantees that Windows 8 tablets will be a hit. Should Microsoft flop at tablets it'll at least have a presence on the major platforms. If the single platform integration dance works on tablets for Microsoft, that's just swell. If that approach fails, at least it'll have its bases covered.
Source : http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-57342559-92/why-microsoft-suddenly-wants-its-software-on-the-ipad/

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Vodafone partners with Facebook- launches the facebook phone

Vodafone now parteners with facebook and going to launch a new phone called vodaphone 555 blue phone. It features a dedicated button of facebook. luks like gonna make a big deal in india. it will be a cheap phone. Get ready..thumbs up for vodafone facebook phone in india

Friday 26 August 2011

How to hide an status update from unwanted friends

We all love our friends. Yesterday one of my friend wants to hide her activy from some of friends who are her relatives kidding her about her comments..I told her yesterday about how to hide her activity and updated it here to make it useful for others who doesnt know about that.. here are the steps...
to get started...
1. log into facebook
2. Find "privacy settings"
3. Find "customize settings"
4. Find "places you check into"
5. click that option "customize"
6. Click "Hide this from" and select appropriate friend
7. Save settings

By this way you can hide your activity from certain friends.. If wanna know more tips about particular thing drop a comment here..am happy to post that tooo :D :) <3